Friday, October 31, 2008

All Hallow's Eve

Woo hoo! October 31st! Why is Halloween so dang great, you ask? I will enlighten you...

Yay for eighties hair, black cats, Harry Potters, and stealthy ninjas! Hoorah for grinning jack-o-lanterns, haunted houses, and spooky cemetaries! Yipee (I'm running out of excited expressions!) for mummies, pirates, and the chance to be a kid again! Yeehaw for the start of November!

And of course, a big whoopee for candy! Chocolate, please. :)

I really can't remember the last time I dressed up for Halloween (I'm just not creative in that way), but I love seeing everyone else's costumes, especially the little kids! They just get so darn excited! Dress up! Take pictures, and trick or treat!

I'm addicted to National Geographic, and of course they have an excellent Halloween article! Enjoy!

PS: Starbucks hazelnut hot chocolate = barf!

1 comment:

Tori said...

We had our Halloween party here at school yesterday and guess what it was. Go on, guess. It was: Everyone who has kids, bring them and dress them up and walk them around the library so they can get candy. Lame. no wait...yeah, lame.